Monday, 17 March 2008

Premiership - you're having a laugh!

RAVE: A great result for the boys who were obviously still up from the win over Mddlesbrough. Somehow we have become a difficult team to beat - as long as we have Loovens and Johnson playing together at the heart of the defence. The second biggest crowd of the season saw a rare goal from Stephen McPhail after one and a half minutes and watched aswe comfortably held on for the rest of the game.
NEITHER RANT NOR RAVE: Hull are occupying one of the playoff places at the moment but still look ill-equipped to think about moving to a higher level. The more this season progresses the less likely it is that any team can go up from this division and hold its own in the Premiership. Cardiff are not the only team in this division who are capable of following five consecutive wins with five consecutive defeats. Its a question of last man standing and the last team to have a good run could find themselves in the same position as Derby - and look what's happening to them! Amazingly, despite the recent league form even Cardiff could make the playoffs if they string together 4 or 5 wins.
The championship is undoubtedly the most exciting league at the moment but I'm not sure it prepares anyone for the Premiership.

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